
Archive for the ‘Onward Together’ Category

Onward Together!

I am deeply saddened by the news of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing. She was an American giant, a true champion of justice and equality, and a fearless fighter who paved the way for so many women, including me. There will never be another like her.

She also left us with clear instructions: No confirmation of her Supreme Court replacement until after inauguration day in January. We owe it to her to ensure her final wish is fulfilled.
Please join me in protecting Justice Ginsburg’s legacy by making a donation to Demand Justice, which is leading the fight to ensure that a new Supreme Court justice will not be confirmed until after inauguration day in January.

As you’re reading this, the Trump administration is working overtime to fill the Supreme Court vacancy with a radical, right-wing justice who will no doubt work to overturn the Affordable Care Act and Roe v. Wade, and reverse decades of progress Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought tirelessly for.

This is what they’ve been waiting for: an opportunity to pack the court with a conservative supermajority. But we won’t let them. Your donation to Demand Justice will help ensure Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy is protected by honoring her wish: No confirmation until inauguration.

Donate now

As I reflect on the legacy Justice Ginsburg leaves behind, I keep coming back to this: The best way we can honor her is to fight hard to protect the fairness of our court. The legacy she leaves behind is far too precious to let the Trump administration undermine.

Follow @wedemandjusticenow on Twitter to stay up-to-date on all the ways you can be a part of this work in the coming months.

Thank you for joining me in this fight.Onward,


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Onward Together!

This summer hasn’t looked the way any of us expected. This administration’s handling of a global health crisis has been frustrating on their best day and cruel on their worst. I’m thinking of every person who has been affected by this pandemic, and I’m grateful for the continued work of those who have been keeping our hospitals, our businesses, and even our families running without much support from the White House.

I hope that, despite everything, you’ve found time to safely connect with loved ones, do some yoga, or disappear into a good book. I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of my friend Louise Penny’s latest mystery novel, and while I won’t spoil anything, it was the perfect escape. I’ve also been spending much of my time talking with a number of smart, fascinating people for my new podcast, and I can’t wait to share those conversations with you.

Like many of you, I’m still mourning the death of Congressman John Lewis. John was the truest kind of patriot. He believed America could live up to its highest founding ideals of equality and liberty for all. I was honored to call him a friend, and I’m so proud of the Onward Together team members who have been relentless in making what John called “good trouble”:

  • In the midst of a pandemic that is disproportionately affecting people of color, Latino Victory is doubling down on electing candidates who understand the challenges that women of color are facing right now. Last month, they launched the First Latinas program to increase representation in government by electing Latina women who are running for seats that have never had a Latina representative or who will achieve a ‘first’ milestone.
  • For organizations that work directly with voters, this election looks different than any others. But our partners have quickly redirected their efforts online to ensure the safety of staff and voters alike; the Alliance for Youth Action put together a list of online steps for becoming an at-home organizer, while Run for Something collected resources for first-time candidates to navigate this new reality. And Arena launched their Academy 201, where political professionals can participate in free, advanced trainings on everything from how to deal with rapidly-changing plans to how to center racial equity in a campaign environment.
  • And of course, Color of Change has continued to lead the fight to end practices — including police brutality, voter suppression, and uneven access to health care — that hold Black people back.

It’s up to us now to continue John’s work, and I know I can count on this team to do just that. With November drawing closer, the most important thing you can do right now is to vote and ensure others can vote, too. Visit iwillvote.com to confirm your registration or request an absentee ballot, then head to democracydocket.com to get the latest in the fight to give more voters access to mail-in voting.




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Onward Together!

We’ve got big news:

On Thursday, July 16th, we’re hosting an exclusive virtual event featuring Hillary in conversation with Pete Buttigieg. Congresswoman Lauren Underwood will be moderating, and we’d love for you to join us, too.

Grab your ticket now for the conversation at 7:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 16th.

You're invited to an event with Hillary and Pete ButtigiegIt’s been a while since we all checked in, and there’s a lot to cover. After you get your ticket, you’ll be able to submit a question for Hillary and Pete — you might even get the chance to ask your question live on Zoom during the event.

We hope we’ll see you for the virtual event next month:
Get your ticket
Talk soon,
Onward Together


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Onward Together!

Every time there is a long line at a polling place, a ballot isn’t counted, or voting is anything but a straightforward, simple process accessible to all citizens, it’s a threat to our democracy. In the midst of a global pandemic, it’s up to us to prevent a public health crisis from exacerbating a democratic one — and one solution is dramatically expanding and safeguarding vote by mail so that Americans can cast their ballots this November.

Onward Together is proud to have teamed up with Democracy Docket in the fight to ensure that all Americans can have their ballot counted this fall — while remaining safe and healthy.

Elections matter, and all too often, small differences in voting totals can change the course of history. In 2018, the U.S. Senate race in Florida was decided by 10,033 votes and the gubernatorial race was decided by 32,463 votes. A study of more than 30,000 rejected mail ballots found that the rejection rate for vote by mail ballots for the youngest voters was nearly ten times the rejection rate for those over 65. Meanwhile, mail ballots cast by minority voters were more than twice as likely to be rejected than mail ballots cast by white absentee mail voters.

Similarly, a study of rejected mail ballots from Georgia’s closely contested 2018 election found that newly registered, young, female, and minority voters were more likely to have their ballots rejected.

We can protect our democracy from unfair, unequal laws — but we have to push election officials to do the right thing as soon as possible. If you’re able to, please make a contribution to fund this work:

Donate now

Thank you, and onward,


P.S. If you’d like to keep up with Democracy Docket, sign up here to receive their newsletter.

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Onward Together!

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, it is clear that the security of November’s elections will rely on ensuring that millions of Americans can vote by mail. For many of us, this is a shift in the way we make our voices heard, and state officials need to take action immediately to ensure that all Americans, no matter where they live, can safely cast their votes.

Onward Together is proud to partner with Democracy Docket, a new effort to proactively detect and combat suppressive voting laws and practices that could sway the outcome of the 2020 elections.

Make a contribution now and help give more people — regardless of party or political preferences — a fair chance to cast their ballot while staying safe and healthy.

As with any method of voting, vote by mail is susceptible to the voter disenfranchisement that has plagued our country in recent elections. From Georgia to Wisconsin, we’ve seen the ways uneven access to the ballot can affect the outcome of critical races. Restrictions and voter purges disproportionately burden African Americans, Latinos, young and first-time voters, non-native English speakers, and voters with disabilities.

The team at Democracy Docket has identified more than a dozen specific laws in select states that they intend to challenge through litigation as we approach one of the most consequential elections of our lifetimes.

Now is when election officials must act, and it’s up to us to push them to do the right thing. Learn more at DemocracyDocket.com, then chip in to support this vital work:

Donate now





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Onward Together!

First, to the medical professionals, grocery store employees, delivery drivers, pharmacy workers, mail carriers, firefighters, police, nursing home employees, and everyone else who is working to save lives and keep us all going right now: Thank you. I am so grateful for your sacrifice.
Second, if you’re home and healthy, I hope you’ll take a moment to check out the efforts of a few of our Onward Together partners. They have worked quickly to fill gaps in our systems and help candidates quickly move their campaigns online, and I’m grateful for them, too.
  • The National Domestic Workers Alliance has created the Coronavirus Care Fund to support the many nannies, house cleaners, and in-home caregivers who are navigating this crisis without paid sick leave or health care.
  • The Collective Education Fund has teamed up with Humanity Forward to raise money for working families affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
  • The Texas Civil Rights Project is calling on statewide officials to ensure that Texans will be able to vote safely
  • Swing Left has launched a virtual organizing hub, so that you can help elect Democrats while still staying home.
  • Latino Victory is providing daily updates on what current and former Latino Victory candidates and allies are doing to respond to COVID-19
  • Emerge is offering a brand-new five-part webinar series to help Democratic women campaign during the crisis, and the last webinar is tomorrow.
  • Run for Something put together a candidate support kit with resources for state and local candidates who need to find new ways to reach voters.
  • Arena has moved their May training for future campaign staffers online — and you can apply now to be a part of it.
We don’t have to feel helpless. Whatever you have to give — an hour, a few dollars, or just a quick read — makes a difference.

Stay safe and healthy,


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Onward Together!

I wanted to share a few things that I’ve been thinking about in the first weeks of the year:

Here on the East Coast, we’ve seen a few victories; in New York, the state senate passed automatic voter registration to increase voting access, while in Virginia, Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn was sworn in as the first female House Speaker in the history of the Commonwealth.

For Politico, I wrote about my friend Ellen Tauscher, who passed away in 2019. She was an arms control expert, a feminist, a tireless negotiator, and a big-hearted friend who woke up every day determined to make a difference.

And lastly, we’ve added one more Onward Together partner: Living United for Change in Arizona, also known as LUCHA. LUCHA has been a part of the Onward family, and we’re thrilled to have made them an official partner. Take a moment to learn more about their work below, then join them in the fight for a more fair Arizona.



Onward Together works to build a brighter future for generations to come by supporting groups that encourage people to organize in their communities or run for office. Because you’re an important part of Onward Together, we wanted you to get a chance to know these groups a little bit better. To learn more about Onward Together, click here.
The organization: Living United for Change in Arizona

The mission: To advance social, racial and economic justice for every Arizonan through grassroots campaigns, leadership development, advocacy and civic engagement

The story: LUCHA was launched with the intention of organizing Arizona’s low- and moderate-income and minority families to take action on the issues most important to them and advance the cause of social and economic justice for all. Working in collaboration with sister organizations, LUCHA incorporates leadership development, along with grassroots issue-based campaigns, advocacy and civic engagement, to create an Arizona in which every resident has an equal voice in determining the policies and shaping the decision-making bodies that will govern our communal life.

The latest: In 2016, Arizona voters passed Proposition 206, which provides up to five days of paid sick time for all workers and raises the state minimum wage, by a near 20-point margin. LUCHA put Prop 206 on the ballot and was instrumental in its passing. Prop 206 has grown Arizona’s economy by almost $1 billion, lowered the unemployment rate, and even increased jobs in the food and hospitality industries.

In both the 2018 and 2019 legislative sessions, Governor Ducey and the state legislature tried to dismantle Prop 206, despite voters’ resounding enthusiasm. So, LUCHA fought back. And when they tried to take away peoples’ right to their minimum wage, LUCHA came out in full force. Its members made thousands of phone calls and knocked on thousands of doors, and even digitally organized neighborhoods and targeted Legislative districts. In the end, workers’ wages were protected, but the fight will continue.

The next step: LUCHA is working to reform the criminal justice system in Arizona, provide immigration and DACA resources to members, and advocate for change at the state level. Join in at luchaaz.org

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Onward Together!

We launched Onward Together because I wanted the same energy that powered our campaign to winning the popular vote to be funneled directly into doing the work we knew this administration wouldn’t prioritize — like expanding access to the ballot and making sure that women, people of color, and young people have a voice in our government.

Support from this team has made it possible for us to offer financial support and other guidance to 14 (and soon to be 15!) partner organizations, which in turn has enabled those organizations to fight for our shared values. Our friends at Run for Something have connected hundreds of young candidates to their first-ever campaigns, while one of our newest partners, the Texas Civil Rights Project, is working to reunite families separated at the border.

We need your support right now if we want to start 2020 off stronger than ever. Will you make a contribution of $25 or more before midnight tonight?


Thank you for all that you do — and happy New Year!


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Onward Together!

It’s been a busy few months. Chelsea and I have been on tour for our first book together, The Book of Gutsy Women. Meeting people — and hearing about the gutsy women in your own lives — has been a source of inspiration for us and the entire Onward team as we prepare to head into 2020 stronger than ever.

Our family grew this year with the arrival of our third grandchild. And I’m thrilled to tell you that the Onward Together family is growing, too; we’re adding two new partner organizations this winter. The first, Texas Civil Rights Project, is working to advance equality and justice in Texas through legal advocacy and litigation.

You can learn more about the Texas Civil Rights Project below, and then head to texascivilrightsproject.org to be a part of their work.

Thank you — and onward!


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Onward Together!Every time a new partner joins the Onward Together family, I’m reminded of how many people believe that, when we work together, we have the power to make our country better.

That belief is also why I’m asking you to give to Onward Together this Giving Tuesday. With one contribution of $25 or more, you’re investing in an entire generation of progressive organizations — including two new partner groups that I look forward to telling you more about soon.

With your help, we can not only support our current partners, but find even more groups that are already doing the most good and need a boost from a team like ours.

Give to Onward Together today — and then stay tuned to hear about our newest partners:




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