
Posts Tagged ‘Democratic Party’

In the excitement of the historic 116th Congress being sworn in, this story from last week slipped under the radar. Aspiring Democratic candidates for 2020 are quietly meeting with Hillary Clinton.


Hillary Clinton Is Meeting With Potential 2020 Candidates: Report

Updated on
Hillary Clinton in 2016.Photographer: Daniel Acker

Hillary Clinton, the former U.S. Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, is meeting with prospective Democratic candidates for the 2020 race, with top-tier contenders seeking her endorsement, according to multiple reports.

Clinton has met with Senators Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren, as well as with Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Axios and CNN reported. CNN also reported Senator Kamala Harris has met with the former first lady. There are plans for meetings with others.

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The quiet race to win Hillary Clinton’s endorsement

Hillary Clinton giving a speech

Photo: Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for Glamour

Several possible 2020 candidates have sought advice from Hillary Clinton, and she has meetings scheduled with additional hopefuls.

Between the lines: Clinton has discussed the next presidential race with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Cory Booker, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, according to a longtime Clinton confidant.

I’m told this has been going on for months and will continue, since Clinton will talk to any Democrat who wants to talk. (Plus, she sees people incidentally all the time.)

  • “A bunch have picked her brain,” a longtime Clinton confidant said.

“Hillary wants Trump gone,” the confidant said. “She doesn’t know who’s best able to beat him, but she knows about grueling nomination fights.”

  • The potential candidates “know tens of millions of Democrats love Hillary and want her to try again.”
  • “The savvy ones know she’s the most valuable endorser in the party not named Obama.”

Nick Merrill, Clinton’s spokesman, told me: “I won’t comment on private discussions she’s had except to say that she’s more than happy to talk to anyone considering a run about the challenges (as well as the great things) that go with it, and lessons learned on what to watch for in this next cycle (aside from Vladimir).”

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You can take this whatever way you want. It is rich with potential motivations and implications. Candidates may be seeking an endorsement, advice, or both.

Here’s what I think. The candidates touching base with her are doing so out of an abundance of respect for Hillary and to assure, before they make a move, that she will not run. They would not want to step on her toes.

I also think that this new role puts Hillary beyond any primary endorsements. I think those going to her know this.

Hillary is emerging as the sensei of the 2020 Democratic candidates. As she said multiple times last year, she is not and will not be running.  I suppose that will not discourage a Hillary or Bust movement that could include draft Hillary, convince Hillary, and write-in Hillary campaigns, but be advised: anything of that nature will likely be related to foreign/Russian interference and intended to divide the Democratic Party and the vote. The best advice, always, is to follow Hillary’s lead. Right now she is quietly meeting with potential Democratic candidates, one of whom may become a presumptive nominee in about 18 months. At that point, she will endorse and very probably campaign her heart out. That is the Hillary we know.

(Page note: It took six days into 2019 for 2020 Primaries and the 2020 Election to have tags and categories here. Pretty much what I had predicted.)



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Hillary Clinton Is Headlining A Fundraiser For First-Time Women Candidates

The 2016 presidential nominee has so far been largely in the background this election season.

Posted on September 7, 2018, at 2:17 p.m. ET

Brad Barket / Getty Images

Hillary Clinton will headline a fundraiser for five first-time women candidates next week, signaling an uptick in political activity from the former Democratic presidential nominee ahead of this year’s midterm elections.

The New York City fundraiser, slated for Sept. 12, will benefit five women viewed as some of the most compelling congressional candidates in competitive races this fall: Lauren Underwood of Illinois, Gina Ortiz Jones of Texas, Liuba Grechen Shirley of New York, Haley Stevens of Michigan, and Xochitl Torres Small of New Mexico.

Arena PAC will host the event, according to a copy of the invitation. The group provides coaching and advice to candidates running for office for the first time. The fundraiser, advertised with Clinton as its “special guest,” will be held at the home of fashion executive Lauren Santo Domingo, a New York donor who most recently hosted an event on behalf of California Sen. Kamala Harris, a potential 2020 presidential candidate.

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According to all reports, this nomination came as it should have, in a calm and civilized fashion with Cuomo receiving something north of 90% of the vote.

Hillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic ConventionHillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic ConventionHillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic ConventionHillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic ConventionHillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic ConventionHillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic ConventionHillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic ConventionHillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic ConventionHillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic ConventionHillary Clinton Addresses The New York State Democratic Convention

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Over the weekend, the Unity Commission put forth primary revisions as outlined in the article below. As the article states, these changes remain subject to approval by the DWI lawyers and the Rules and Bylaws Committee. If you’re looking for a Long Island traffic lawyer because of a traffic ticket, call traffic lawyer nassau county for help with your case.

This represents nothing less than a hijacking of the Democratic Party by outsiders. It is unclear how many of the UC members were appointed by Bernie Sanders who remains an Independent, i.e. not a registered Democrat.

Open primaries and caucuses and registration dates close to or on primary dates leave our primary process open to tampering by outside forces. We know how that works. All they open is a can of worms.

WASHINGTON ― At its final meeting on Friday and Saturday, the Democratic National Committee’s Unity and Reform Commission agreed to a set of dramatic revisions aimed at restoring faith in the presidential nomination process and the management of the DNC.

The 21-member panel, which held its ultimate gathering in a conference room at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C., is recommending the effective abolition of some 60 percent of superdelegates to the presidential nominating convention. It has also presented a set of measures designed to increase accessibility to presidential primaries and caucuses, as well as reforms aimed at opening up DNC budgetary and administrative processes to greater scrutiny through, among other things, the creation of an Ombudsmen Council.

The reforms are not yet a done deal, however. The commission’s report now heads to the DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, which will have a 6-month period to amend party rules to enact the reforms, and could theoretically try to dilute the commission’s recommendations (though they would have to run any changes by the commission). The roster of over 400 voting DNC members will also get to vote on the proposals at the full DNC meeting in the fall of 2018. 

But the commission’s most adamant reformers, most of whom were appointed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), characterized the outcome as a major win for the Democratic Party’s disillusioned progressive wing. The acceptance of Sanders surrogates was essential to the commission’s success, since evidence that the DNC had favored Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential primary and the anger it inspired among Sanders supporters fueled the creation of the commission.

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No, the party did not “favor” Hillary Clinton. Nonsense! Nearly 4 million registered Democrats voted for Hillary over Bernie Sanders.

Opening the primaries and caucuses is not going to sprinkle magic fairy dust over health care, minimum wage, taxes, or college tuition. Hillary won the nomination because of her experience in policy making and for the policies she proposed.

What these revisions will accomplish is to make the Democratic Party the “Drive-Thru” party that any minority movement can invade and sabotage.

We have no reason to expect the RBC to reject these proposals. As they proved on May 31, 2008, they are out of touch with the party’s registered base.

This is from Karen for Clinton on Facebook with a number we can call. Thank you. Karen!

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The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members - Mahatma Gandhi

There is a reason why, when you visit Hillary Clinton’s Twitter account, this is the tweet pinned to the top. It has been pinned there for a year and two days as of this writing.

The entertainment industry is rife with allegations of routine sexual assault almost as a matter of business. Both men and women are standing up with accounts of past abuses. Action has been swift and uncompromising.

At the heart of government, however, there remains the habit of “if true.”  We will take down a TV president for sexual assault, but not a declared candidate.

There was this.


Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

By Stephanie McCrummen, Beth Reinhard and Alice Crites

Leigh Corfman, left, in a photo from 1979, when she was about 14. At right, from top, Wendy Miller around age 16, Debbie Wesson Gibson around age 17 and Gloria Thacker Deason around age 18. (Family photos)

Leigh Corfman says she was 14 years old when an older man approached her outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Ala. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore.

It was early 1979 and Moore — now the Republican nominee in Alabama for a U.S. Senate seat — was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. He struck up a conversation, Corfman and her mother say, and offered to watch the girl while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing.

“He said, ‘Oh, you don’t want her to go in there and hear all that. I’ll stay out here with her,’ ” says Corfman’s mother, Nancy Wells, 71. “I thought, how nice for him to want to take care of my little girl.”

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Sundry Republicans, many from Roy Moore’s home state, went on cable in his defense this week. Needless to say, the defenses were pathetic. Attempts to philosophize the allegations range from laughable to blasphemous. Please spare us, you guys. You are embarrassing yourselves!

Let’s take a look at the Democrat running against Roy Moore.

From left, Denise McNair, 11; Carole Robertson, 14; Addie Mae Collins, 14, and Cynthia Dianne Wesley, 14, were killed Sept. 15, 1963, when a bomb exploded at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala. (AP)

The case haunted Birmingham for years. Four black girls in Alabama had been killed in the 1963 bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church — a crime that shocked the country and helped fuel the civil rights movement.

Yet the men responsible — members of the Ku Klux Klan who’d boasted about their role — were never tried and convicted. That changed in 1977 when Robert “Dynamite Bob” Chambliss, the suspected ringleader of the bombing, was put on trial.

At the time, Doug Jones, now a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in a hotly contested race Alabama, was a second-year law student. He skipped classes to sit in on the trial, watching in amazement as William Joseph Baxley II, then U.S. attorney in Alabama, presented evidence against Chambliss.

Baxley had received death threats from white supremacists, including an ugly letter from KKK Grand Dragon Edward R. Fields. Baxley responded with a one-sentence missive typed on official stationery: “Dear Dr. Fields, my response to your letter of February 19, 1976, is kiss my ass. Sincerely, Bill Baxley, Attorney General.”

As Jones watched the testimony  in the Jefferson County Courthouse, it became clear that Chambliss did not act alone in the bombing. The four girls killed — 11-year-old Denise McNair and 14-year-olds Carole Robertson, Addie Mae Collins and Cynthia Wesley — had been in the church basement preparing for Sunday service. Addie Mae’s sister, Sarah Jean Collins, who was 12 then, lost an eye in the explosion.

“As I gave my undivided attention to Baxley’s powerful closing argument,” Jones told a House crime subcommittee two decades later, “I never in my wildest imagination dreamed that one day this case and my legal career would come full circle, giving me the opportunity, some 24 years later to prosecute the two remaining suspects for a crime that many say changed the course of history.”

More than 20 years after Chambliss was convicted, Jones would become U.S. attorney in Alabama and set out to finish what Baxley started. He brought charges against two more Klan members, Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr., and Bobby Frank Cherry. The prosecutions have helped make him a contender in his Senate race against Republican Roy Moore, a controversial former judge. On Thursday, Moore was accused by a woman of initiating a sexual encounter with her when she was 14 and he was 32 — allegations he called “completely false” and his campaign dismissed as “the very definition of fake news.”

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I remember that bombing and had traveled enough in the Jim Crow South by then to know that I had met little girls just like these four. Both Condoleeza Rice and Angela Davis knew these little girls. For many of us, these four deaths hit with a sickening thud. Much like the Sandy Hook deaths, these children’s murders said we were not protecting our must vulnerable.

When an industry can take strong steps in the face of assaults on the most trusting and vulnerable and government makes excuses, e.g. the ballots are printed, have gone out, folks have voted early … there must be questions.

This is a special election for pete’s sake! It cannot be rescheduled? You cannot find a more honorable candidate and replace this child molester?

Apparently the answer to all of that is no.

I suggest: perhaps instead of a negative campaign against Roy Moore, child molester,  a positive campaign in favor of Doug Jones, child defender, might be in order.

This is the last big 2017 election before mid-terms. Maybe we win by emphasizing being on the right side, against the domestic terrorist organization, for that is what the Klan is, that killed little girls in their church.

There is a plethora of evidence and opinion against the bad guy. We should be pushing the creds of the good guy who took up a case so cold that he himself did not remember the incident and brought the bad guys to justice.

This is for all the little girls because you matter. As Hillary says, “…you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opportunity in the world.”

I pray that Alabamans will vote for the man who held those four lives in esteem high enough to cause him to go after their killers many years past than for the guy who sends his friends on TV to giggle to Jake Tapper about how silly it is to believe what little girls remember even when they are grown … and Republican.

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Hillary was on a tweet roll today! Thank you, Hillary – for this!

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Victories tonight in New Jersey and Virginia are the shot in the arm Democrats needed. Yes, we can still do it because when Democrats vote, we win! So I opened the bottle of champagne that has been on ice for a year. Have a glass! To us all – to everyone who worked hard to GOTV and to all who went out in the crummy weather, stood on line, and cast a ballot.


Here are the thank-you notes from the governors-elect of Virginia, Ralph Northam and New Jersey, Phil Murphy.

We could not have done this without you.

Today, Virginians proved that we won’t be divided, we won’t be torn apart, and we won’t sit idly by. We will speak out against divisiveness, hatred, and bigotry in all its forms, and we will fight for Virginia values.

I am so proud of this team, so proud of the work you have done, and so honored to have earned your trust, your vote, and to serve you as the 73rd governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Thank you for believing in this campaign—for digging deep and giving whatever you could, for investing your time, your money, and your heart in getting us to this moment. We put a ton of miles on the Sequoia as we traveled across the commonwealth the past few months. I saw the incredible work you did everywhere we went, from Fredericksburg to Fairfax, and Onancock to Roanoke—you showed the entire country what Virginians stand for and what it means to run an inclusive and forward-looking campaign.

I got into this race to make a difference for all Virginians, and you’ve been with me every step of the way. Folks were ready to get involved, knock doors, make phone calls, and talk to their neighbors about the values that matter most to us as Virginians. And for that, I will always be grateful.

Together we’ll keep making progress for Virginia families every single day.

Tomorrow, the hard work of governing begins, so let’s get to work.


I want to thank you.

I’m truly honored and humbled to be the next Governor of New Jersey, especially knowing you are the reason why I am here.

When we started this journey together 18 months ago, I never could have imagined how many of you would volunteer your time, chip in whatever you could afford, and sacrifice so much for this shared victory. And I truly cannot thank you enough for your support, and your conviction.

Without you, this would not have been possible. You helped send a message that we are united — and that together we’ll end the failed status quo in Trenton by creating a stronger, fairer economy that works for every New Jersey family.

So, now it is time to get to work. Together, we can do this. I believe in you and all the people living in our great state — and I promise I’ll always have your back.

Thank you,


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So … I cracked the code to Donna’s book! A few choice episodes in no particular order.

Carefully, using a Q-tip, I swabbed the back of the JFA with fresh lemon juice (not the squeeze bottle kind) and held it against the scented candle. A MAP! To the Lost City of Gold! I should call Nicholas Cage! I also needed Helen Mirren, to translate the Olmec – but she was sticking close to Hillary, and I didn’t want to tip my hand. That dame can be testy if you cross Hillary.   #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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I took two different taxis back from the parking garage so as not to be followed. I called Joe and he came over. I closed all the blinds and put on some gospel music – really LOUD. I put my finger to my lips to indicate that we should not speak. Then I led him over to the computer and began typing. “Deep Throat says we are in danger. Surveillance. BUGGING! It’s A myriad of problems with computer support services, He says our lives may be in danger.” I did not tell Joe how I had contacted the deceased Deep Throat. He doesn’t believe in my methods, since he preferred by more peaceful and use his free time to play computer games with the help of quality boost services as ElitistGaming#DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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Using a special powder from the voudou priestess back home, I carefully traced a pentagram on the floor. I lit five scented candles – one at each point. Hillary went for the door. She wasn’t having any of this. “I don’t believe in this nonsense.” I convinced her to stay. We needed advice. So I summoned Eleanor Roosevelt. Hillary would listen to her. The candles flickered as a mysterious breeze came through. A voice, deep and ghostly, said, “Hillary, you are doing fine. You have grown the hide of a rhinoceros. Please tell that water buffalo to stop disturbing the spirits.” It was so unfair! I had summoned her, after all! #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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The debates were going badly. Hillary was coming off over-prepared and too knowledgeable. I hired Nicolle Wallace to help prep Hillary since she had done so well prepping Sarah Palin. I never sent Hillary any questions. I texted Nicolle one question. ONLY ONE – and not to Hillary. To Nicolle. It was about Flint, Michigan. When Nicolle tried to show it to Hillary, Hillary grabbed the phone, ran out into the hallway, and threw the phone down the stairwell. CNN fired me anyway. So unfair. #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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I turned off all the lights and blew out all the scented candles. I closed all the blinds. I threw the sofa cushions on the floor so I could sleep below the level of the windows. I had gone to the mattress. Who knew when bullets might come flying through? I knew Debbie was wrong ever to have hired Fredo. She was such a poor manager. #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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When Hillary fainted at the 9/11 memorial I was royally p*$$ed off! How dare she???!!! Not only did she go to work sick, campaigning hard when she was just about to become president, but she failed to submit to me – chair of the party – a doctor’s note! What AM I? Chopped liver? I will NOT be ignored! I will have my revenge! I decided I needed to call Joe. #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt


Finally, there was no getting around it. I had to call Bernie. I was distraught. To calm myself I lit some scented candles and put on gospel music I can heard through my bluetooth earphones in every place in the house thanks to the best bluetooth transmitter receiver I put in my house to enlarge the signal. I was not quite sure of what I had found, actually. It was a draft. It might have been a smoking gun. Or perhaps it was a red herring. Jane answered. Bernie was having his nap, but his distant cousin Larry was around. Maybe he could help. As it turned out he was no help whatsoever! He couldn’t get batteries out of a package. Geez! #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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Stay tuned. There may be more to come. Working on my hacking skills! With assistance!

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Laughter is the best medicine. If we can’t laugh we might as well be dead.

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No wonder Donna Brazile couldn’t get an American publisher for her book. She is completely out of touch with reality. This is really all we need to know about the content. After this, anything more would be overkill.

WASHINGTON — Then-Democratic National Committee head Donna Brazile considered replacing Hillary Clinton at the top of the party’s ticket last year after the presidential nominee appeared unsteady and stumbled following a September 11 memorial service in New York, Brazile writes in her new book.

Brazile, a longtime Clinton friend and ally, was stunned by what happened after the Ground Zero event and the “shameful” fact that she and everyone else had been kept in the dark about the candidate’s health.

Only hours after Clinton was spotted unsteady and requiring support to get into her van as she left the service did the campaign reveal that the candidate had been suffering from pneumonia and had become dehydrated on the unseasonably warm day.

Image: 15th Anniversary Of 9/11 Attacks Commemorated At World Trade Center Memorial Site
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leaves the 9/11 Commemoration Ceremony at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum on Sept. 11, 2016, in New York City.Justin Sullivan / Getty Images file


Brazile writes that she considered several potential replacements for Clinton and Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., the vice presidential nominee, and concluded Biden and Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., would be the strongest combination to beat Donald Trump in November.



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Have you picked yourself up off the floor yet?  Go here>>>>

There’s a world of entertainment on Twitter tonight! Write you own #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt … or just read everyone else’s.

On a serious note, here is a letter signed by HFA staff.

Jesse Ferguson


We were shocked to learn the news that Donna Brazile actively considered overturning the will of the Democratic voters by attempting to replace Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees. It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health.

Donna came in to take over the DNC at a very difficult time. We were grateful to her for doing so. She is a longtime friend and colleague of many of us and has been an important leader in our party. But we do not recognize the campaign she portrays in the book.

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This is a public service share.  Please go to Medium to applaud/respond. >>>>

Nick Merrill

The following is by Charlie Baker, former Hillary for America Chief Administrative Officer, who asked me if I would post this:

In light of recent claims about Hillary for America’s work with the DNC during the 2016 campaign, it is important to clarify a few things and set the record straight.

First, our campaign was proud to raise money for the Democratic National Committee. The DNC was deeply in debt, and the campaign’s fundraising kept it afloat during the campaign season. In fact, as a result of the campaign’s arrangement and Hillary Clinton’s fundraising efforts, the DNC was in a better financial position following the election than it had been in decades, getting financed was pretty difficult to do, but not when you would get help from this los angeles money lender. Such agreements are common. Al Gore’s campaign had one, so did John Kerry’s. So did Donald Trump’s. Senator Sanders entered into an agreement with the DNC as well, but raised little to no money. That is not an insult, it is just a fact. As a result, Hillary for America was keeping the party afloat, which included state party funding to administer caucuses, which Secretary Clinton lost the majority of. If you have bad credit and an emergency expense affects your health or ability to work, a payday loan can appear as a saving grace, have a peek at this web-site. Used effectively, these loans can, in fact, act as viable solutions to short-term financial problems. An application typically only takes about 30 minutes to complete, while loans from online providers have an even simpler approval process on Affordable Car Title Loans from CitrusNorth.com.

Hillary Clinton was the first female nominee of a major party. She won the nomination because she earned nearly 4 million more votes than her closest opponent.

America is facing unprecedented challenges right now. Our focus needs to be on advocating for policies that help Americans, standing up against those that don’t, and electing Democrats on Tuesday, next year, and beyond.

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