
Posts Tagged ‘Sierra Club’

Thank you President Obama. We agree!

President Obama endorses Hillary: “I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.”

Honored to have you with me, . I’m fired up and ready to go! -H

Hillary also received this important endorsement:

Sierra Club has endorsed for president! Read our statement:



phone calls

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U.S. Republican presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in the gymnasium of Moulton Elementary School in Des Moines, Iowa, September 22, 2015. REUTERS/Brian C. Frank

Sierra Club Statement on Hillary Clinton’s Energy Proposals

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sierra Club Statement on Hillary Clinton’s Energy Proposals

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a new energy plan as part of her campaign for the Democratic Nomination for President.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

“We applaud Secretary Clinton for laying out a bold energy plan that rightly identifies the expansion of our clean energy economy as a top priority. From updating our energy grid for renewable capacity to getting dangerous, unsafe crude oil trains off the rails, the initiatives she lays out will go a long way toward keeping our air and water clean and our families safe. While we know that getting off of dangerous fuel sources like oil, gas, coal, and nuclear must be our goal, this plan is a great step forward that will create jobs and help tackle the climate crisis.”

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Hillary laid out  complex plan for renewable energy in July and two days ago voiced her opposition to the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.

Hillary Clinton Has a Plan: For Renewable Power

Yesterday she released a written explanation for her position.

In Her Own Words: Why Hillary Clinton Opposes Keystone XL

Hillary paid attention, as we hope all of our leaders in government did, to the pope’s words to Congress today.

Thank you, . We have much to do to care for our planet, strengthen economic opportunity, and defend the rights & dignity of all. -H




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