
Posts Tagged ‘Democratic Primaries’

So … I cracked the code to Donna’s book! A few choice episodes in no particular order.

Carefully, using a Q-tip, I swabbed the back of the JFA with fresh lemon juice (not the squeeze bottle kind) and held it against the scented candle. A MAP! To the Lost City of Gold! I should call Nicholas Cage! I also needed Helen Mirren, to translate the Olmec – but she was sticking close to Hillary, and I didn’t want to tip my hand. That dame can be testy if you cross Hillary.   #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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I took two different taxis back from the parking garage so as not to be followed. I called Joe and he came over. I closed all the blinds and put on some gospel music – really LOUD. I put my finger to my lips to indicate that we should not speak. Then I led him over to the computer and began typing. “Deep Throat says we are in danger. Surveillance. BUGGING! It’s A myriad of problems with computer support services, He says our lives may be in danger.” I did not tell Joe how I had contacted the deceased Deep Throat. He doesn’t believe in my methods, since he preferred by more peaceful and use his free time to play computer games with the help of quality boost services as ElitistGaming#DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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Using a special powder from the voudou priestess back home, I carefully traced a pentagram on the floor. I lit five scented candles – one at each point. Hillary went for the door. She wasn’t having any of this. “I don’t believe in this nonsense.” I convinced her to stay. We needed advice. So I summoned Eleanor Roosevelt. Hillary would listen to her. The candles flickered as a mysterious breeze came through. A voice, deep and ghostly, said, “Hillary, you are doing fine. You have grown the hide of a rhinoceros. Please tell that water buffalo to stop disturbing the spirits.” It was so unfair! I had summoned her, after all! #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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The debates were going badly. Hillary was coming off over-prepared and too knowledgeable. I hired Nicolle Wallace to help prep Hillary since she had done so well prepping Sarah Palin. I never sent Hillary any questions. I texted Nicolle one question. ONLY ONE – and not to Hillary. To Nicolle. It was about Flint, Michigan. When Nicolle tried to show it to Hillary, Hillary grabbed the phone, ran out into the hallway, and threw the phone down the stairwell. CNN fired me anyway. So unfair. #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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I turned off all the lights and blew out all the scented candles. I closed all the blinds. I threw the sofa cushions on the floor so I could sleep below the level of the windows. I had gone to the mattress. Who knew when bullets might come flying through? I knew Debbie was wrong ever to have hired Fredo. She was such a poor manager. #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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When Hillary fainted at the 9/11 memorial I was royally p*$$ed off! How dare she???!!! Not only did she go to work sick, campaigning hard when she was just about to become president, but she failed to submit to me – chair of the party – a doctor’s note! What AM I? Chopped liver? I will NOT be ignored! I will have my revenge! I decided I needed to call Joe. #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt


Finally, there was no getting around it. I had to call Bernie. I was distraught. To calm myself I lit some scented candles and put on gospel music I can heard through my bluetooth earphones in every place in the house thanks to the best bluetooth transmitter receiver I put in my house to enlarge the signal. I was not quite sure of what I had found, actually. It was a draft. It might have been a smoking gun. Or perhaps it was a red herring. Jane answered. Bernie was having his nap, but his distant cousin Larry was around. Maybe he could help. As it turned out he was no help whatsoever! He couldn’t get batteries out of a package. Geez! #DonnaBrazileBookExcerpt

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Stay tuned. There may be more to come. Working on my hacking skills! With assistance!

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Laughter is the best medicine. If we can’t laugh we might as well be dead.

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This is a public service share.  Please go to Medium to applaud/respond. >>>>

Nick Merrill

The following is by Charlie Baker, former Hillary for America Chief Administrative Officer, who asked me if I would post this:

In light of recent claims about Hillary for America’s work with the DNC during the 2016 campaign, it is important to clarify a few things and set the record straight.

First, our campaign was proud to raise money for the Democratic National Committee. The DNC was deeply in debt, and the campaign’s fundraising kept it afloat during the campaign season. In fact, as a result of the campaign’s arrangement and Hillary Clinton’s fundraising efforts, the DNC was in a better financial position following the election than it had been in decades, getting financed was pretty difficult to do, but not when you would get help from this los angeles money lender. Such agreements are common. Al Gore’s campaign had one, so did John Kerry’s. So did Donald Trump’s. Senator Sanders entered into an agreement with the DNC as well, but raised little to no money. That is not an insult, it is just a fact. As a result, Hillary for America was keeping the party afloat, which included state party funding to administer caucuses, which Secretary Clinton lost the majority of. If you have bad credit and an emergency expense affects your health or ability to work, a payday loan can appear as a saving grace, have a peek at this web-site. Used effectively, these loans can, in fact, act as viable solutions to short-term financial problems. An application typically only takes about 30 minutes to complete, while loans from online providers have an even simpler approval process on Affordable Car Title Loans from CitrusNorth.com.

Hillary Clinton was the first female nominee of a major party. She won the nomination because she earned nearly 4 million more votes than her closest opponent.

America is facing unprecedented challenges right now. Our focus needs to be on advocating for policies that help Americans, standing up against those that don’t, and electing Democrats on Tuesday, next year, and beyond.

Read more  and respond >>>>

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It began with this.


Donna Brazile is an amazing woman and strong Democrat who has fought tirelessly to protect our voting rights, provided a voice for the voiceless and championed issues like increasing the min wage and equal pay for women. We stand with Donna, because Donna stands and has always stood with US! Looking forward to her continued service on the DNC as she consistently puts people first!

I received it in Mark Murphy’s name.  Mark is my friend. The message was that elements were trying to push Donna Brazile out of the Democratic Party. That didn’t seem fair, so I signed.

Then came an email request from Donna to donate to the party. So I did. In support.

Today’s breaking news, starting with an excerpt in Politico and followed by stories in several major publications  including The Daily Beast, The New York Post, and Newsweek to name a few, that Donna Brazile has a book out in which she supposedly describes how Hillary Clinton “took over” the Democratic Party (CNN is using the verb “hijacked”) came as a shock.

I will not link to any of the articles. What I can tell you is that DB is trending on Twitter and a good deal of of the comments are calling her out for her lies and her self-promotion. Here are a few examples, but you should go look for yourself. Some retweeting wouldn’t hurt while you’re there.


On Facebook, all my PUMA friends suddenly came roaring through!

After Hillary accepted Secretary of State, I purged most of the PUMA posts here although I have occasionally referred to our angry coalition. I didn’t want to affect opinions of Hillary’s work.

But now the game has changed. We thought, in supporting DB these past few weeks, that we were supporting the traditional Dem Party. Now it appears that Donna has tossed her support toward Bernie, who remains an Independent, and his “revolution” that wants to drive the party far to the left.

It all smells like political treachery, self-promotion, and week-old jambalaya. We are not having it!

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In your Democratic primary, you do have more than one choice!

Thanks to Jen, here is your sample ballot.  The last line is where you can write her in.

NH_Democratic ballot_2011

Additional information on the New Hampshire primary can be found here.

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