
Posts Tagged ‘Anderson Cooper’

ICYMI Here is Hillary’s extensive interview with Anderson Cooper from Wednesday night. It could be my imagination, but it seemed to me that Hillary is more relaxed than ever. That alternate nostril breathing must really work!

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ICYMI Hillary sat down with the ladies of The View this morning.

This is Day 2 of her book tour. Note to the people who are already tired of seeing Hillary promote her book on TV, here’s a neat invention you might like.

For everybody else, catch Hillary tonight with Anderson Cooper on CNN. Check local listings for AC360. Tomorrow night she will be with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.


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The day after claiming the Democratic nomination for president, Hillary was all over the TV networks tonight. She appeared with Anderson Cooper on CNN discussing such topics as party unity, Bill Clinton’s possible role in her administration, and her pick for Veep.

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In the post mortem, Jeffrey Toobin said what someone should have long ago: that there is a word for what happened to Bernie Sanders – he lost and needs to get over it.  Toobin said the party has coddled Sanders long enough, and it is time for him to get in line.  He said Hillary cannot tell Bernie this, but President Obama can and, he supposes, probably will at their meeting tomorrow. He backed up his statement by arguing that Hillary got the most votes, the most delegates, and the most states.  Case closed as far as he is concerned.

Hillary also spent some time last night before her big speech last night with ABC’s David Muir. The segment aired on World News Tonight.

The video and transcript are here >>>>

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Before Hillary left the west coast, she also sat down with Mario Lopez, and that segment aired tonight as well.  It was very short and focused on the history of the moment.

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Finally, Lester Holt interviewed Hillary for the Nightly News.  She rejected the notion that Bernie Sanders brought any new ideas to the table but praised the passion he inspired.  Lawrence O’Donnell replayed this at 10 EDT on MSNBC.

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Lawrence O’Donnell  ended his hour recalling that other California primary. The 1968 one. I did not cry last night when Hillary claimed the nomination. I knew she was going to do it, and thank God. She is healthy and fine. But 1968….. I woke up early in the morning and the TV was on. I asked my husband – “Why are they talking about JFK?” He said, “They are talking about his brother.”

The cortege went through NJ by train on the way to D.C. People lined the tracks the whole way. It still hurts after all these years. Eight years ago, after suspending her campaign, Hillary Clinton went to the fields of California and began campaigning for the Obama/Biden ticket. She had, long before that, filled the Bobby space in my heart along with his Senate seat. Where she went and what she did after accepting defeat was so much like Bobby as were her visions and plans as laid out in her campaign that year. There is a grace in what she did.  There was a grace in Bobby.

Chip in something if you can and continue to help make history!



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In the wake of Donald Trump’s victory last night, Hillary sat down at home in Chappaqua with Anderson Cooper.

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Hillary said Trump’s victory was clear for a long time.  She said she has seen the presidency from two different perspectives and knows what it takes.  She took on Trump’s stances:

1. It is OK for other countries to have nukes;

2. Wages are too high;

3. Women should be punished for abortions.

Hillary portrayed Trump as a loose cannon who has said many things, e.g. Climate change is a hoax, and said  “Loose cannons tend to misfire.”


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Hillary said she is ready and has been in the arena for 25 years.  She is not running against Trump. She is running for president on the issues she has campaigned.

Hillary said Republicans did not raise issues because they agreed with him.  They were trapped and could not run on issues.  She can. She said that if he wants to argue against peace and prosperity she will argue 22 million jobs created since 2009 and will take that on.

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Asked about Trump’s use of the media, Hillary said that grand statements and accusations are one thing, but when you are running for president you have to tell people what you are going to do and how you are going to do it.  It is not enough to call in and get a media platform.

Asked about Trump’s attacks on her trade agreement history, Hillary said, “I am against bad trade agreements and have voted against them”

Hillary said  it is time to get serious. Being a loose cannon does not exempt him from the hard questions.

Cooper brought up Trump the counter-puncher.  Hillary said he is the one who chose that path and is running the negative, aggressive, bullying campaign.

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Hillary is going to keep being specific.  Anyone who has listened to Trump knows who he is.

Re: Trump putting coal miners back in the mines, Hillary cited her $30 billion plan for coal country.

Is Hillary ready for the kind of fight Trump will mount? Arguably a National Enquirer tabloid fight?  ” If he wants to go back to the 1990s let him.”

She said he GOP did not know how to run against him and now invites Republicans and Independents to get off the blue and red teams and  onto the American team.

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Hillary said she has confidence, is optimistic, and has been consistent.  She will do all she to  can to even the odds for those who have with the deck stacked against them.

She is not calling herself the presumptive nominee.  She has been in Bernie’s shoes but could not close the gap in 08. The gap now is far wider than the 08 gap.  She is counting on Bernie to help defeat Trump.

As for a Veep choice, she will be looking for someone who is ready to be POTUS at a moment’s notice. She will find  a good partner but also a good POTUS.  DSCN5694 DSCN5695



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Rachel Maddow interviewed Hillary at the Apollo today.  When she returned to the studio, she heard about Donald Trump’s comment to Chris Matthews about punishing women for abortions which occurred concurrently with Rachel’s interview. Rachel then picked up her gear, rounded up her crew, and headed for Hillary’s office where Hillary gave her an addendum interview on that subject. Wow!

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Hillary Clinton Retweeted Ali Vitali

Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse. Horrific and telling. -H

NEW Trump to : “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions but he has yet to determine what that should be.

Responding to Rachel Maddow’s question about Trump’s abortion statement today, Hillary quoted Maya Angleou: “When people show you who they are, believe them.”  She called that statement the most outrageous she has heard in a very long time.

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Maya Angelou said: “When people show you who they are, believe them.” Trump can try to walk back his words, but we heard him loud and clear.

In the main interview, Hillary said she is returning to Wisconsin, is working hard, and taking nothing for granted.  She hopes, after the primaries, that the party comes together.


Hillary does not understand the argument Bernie poses about delegates and Super Ds.  She said the person with the delegates gets the nomination and hopes Sen. Sanders will join her should she have the winning number.

Hillary said caucuses are an unusual way for states to choose candidates.

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Re: The Republicans and the chaos within, Hillary intends to run against their agenda. She said when you strip it down they are all peddling the same policies from 30-40 years back.


Hillary said Trump has a “different” personality, but then pointed to his proposed policies and said he is not that far off from other. Differences of degree but not kind.  His demonization of groups is not different from much of what that party espouses.  He simply has a different way of expressing these policies.

The fact is, Trump isn’t that different from every other Republican candidate who would also outlaw abortion.



Hillary, who has relationships with many world leaders, said several have voiced concerns about Trump’s statements and plans. She pointed out that our coalitions depend on getting along with Muslim nations and a strong NATO.  She said we need to take a 360 degree look at how NATO is constructed and funded, but that the organization itself remains important.



Hillary said she will go after Trump on issues.  She said Republicans have not confronted him on issues because they agree with him.


Hillary said she is surprised the primaries will be long. She always expected a contest, and ran her 2008 campaign into June.


She said she understands how people both here and abroad hear Trump and Cruz and feels an obligation to go up against the offensive, dangerous statements.


Rachel asked Hillary whether she would ask Obama to withdraw the Merrick Garland nomination.  Hillary is not comfortable with the question because we have one president at a time and not processing that nomination shuts out all votes cast for Obama in 2012 – including her own.  Her position is to keep the pressure on the Senate to do their job.


Hillary said we need to elect a Democratic Senate. The SCOTUS standoff has made it clear how important this is.


Rachel asked whether the work of the Clinton Foundation and the CGI should wind down while she runs for POTUS.  Hillary finds the work astonishing and would hate to lose that.  She said transparency is the best response.



Transcript of Maddow interview >>>>>

Hillary, during the same prime time hour, called in to Anderson Cooper 360 to speak specifically on Trump’s abortion comment.

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There too she said that it is not just Trump but all Republicans who line up together against abortion rights.

The fact is, Trump isn’t that different from every other Republican candidate who would also outlaw abortion.

Asked if the Corey Lewandowski incident reflects Trump’s attitude toward women, Hillary responded that Trump has been inciting violence.

Asked if whe wants to pivot toward Trump, Hillary said she will remain focused on the primaries but that it is important not to stand silent when Republicans make outrageous statements.




She stated again that the Republicans do not take Trump on about his statements because they agree.

Again she said she is going back to Wisconsin to do all she can there.

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Transcript >>>>

Tweets from Hillary are a deep dig into the Flint crisis.

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Tweets from The Briefing respond to specific debate issues.

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Friends – –

I just walked offstage from another debate with Senator Sanders — our first since Super Tuesday. Our team had a historic day on March 1st, but Senator Sanders took three of our four contests this weekend, and his campaign has committed to fighting in every single primary, starting with the contests in Michigan and Mississippi on Tuesday.

I’m going to fight my heart out on the campaign trail, just like I did on the debate stage tonight, but I can’t win without you fighting by my side. Show me you’re ready to win this nomination. Chip in $5 right now, and let’s make history together.

Thank you,



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Hillary was at the top of her game this evening. She was authentic, direct, honest, and very relaxed, open, and  flexible.  No she cannot promise she will never ever use military intervention, but she will always pursue diplomatic solutions first.  If your daughters feel the Bern, good for them for being interested and involved.   Maybe they can spend a little time learning about Hillary’s history.  End of life issues – yes she will study the issues and the results in communities where assisted suicide is permissible.  She gave a similar answer for medical marijuana.

She went Bernie Sanders one better by stating that she will not go after big banks alone but also after giant corporations that try to skirt the laws.

Is there a right-wing conspiracy?  The answer was more of a question:  Is it still a conspiracy if everybody knows about it?

Is she a progressive?  Rather that assigning or accepting labels, she laid out plans.

She hit every question out of the park.  They only have one team up there, and she hit them all over the Green Monster.

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VOLUNTEERIn the clarity of the morning, and after the post mortems last night and this morning, a few thoughts.

  1. I signed on to do grassroots social media and am committed to that.  So I think, as now there are added debates, we can use some acronyms. From now on, the Iraq War vote should be #IWV; Goldman Sachs Speeches should be #GSS; SuperPACS just #SPs.  It makes typing easier and conserves Twitter characters.
  2. We need to agree that name-calling is inappropriate and off the table. It is not allowed on elementary school playgrounds. There is nothing wrong with being a moderate.  The party is not named the Progressive Party.  It is the Democratic Party, and I do not see Hillary questioning Bernie’s Dem creds.  He needs to stop questioning her progressivism.  This needs to be about what you will do, how you will do it , and how you will finance it – not about labels.
  3. In a Town Hall format, the question should come up only once and then move on to other questions.  Once the moderator had raised the #IWV, there was no reason for that question again from the audience.

I say this in advance of the MSNBC debate tonight which is being “moderated” by two people whose “moderate” creds are questionable at best.

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COOPER: Secretary Clinton, Secretary Clinton, with all due respect, it’s a little hard — I mean, isn’t it a little bit hard to call this just a partisan issue? There’s an FBI investigation, and President Obama himself just two days ago said this is a legitimate issue.

CLINTON: Well, I never said it wasn’t legitimate. I said that I have answered all the questions and I will certainly be doing so again before this committee. But I think it would be really unfair not to look at the entire picture. This committee has spent $4.5 million of taxpayer money, and they said that they were trying to figure out what we could do better to protect our diplomats so that something like Benghazi wouldn’t happen again. There were already seven committee reports about what to do. So I think it’s pretty clear what their obvious goal is.

COOPER: Thank you.

Full transcript here >>>>




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COOPER: Senator Webb, thank you very much. Let’s move on to some of the most pressing issues facing our country right now, some of the biggest issues right now in the headlines today. We’re going to start with guns. The shooting in Oregon earlier this month, once again it brought the issue of guns into the national conversation. Over the last week, guns have been the most discussed political topic on Facebook by two to one. Senator Sanders, you voted against the Brady bill that mandated background checks and a waiting period. You also supported allowing riders to bring guns in checked bags on Amtrak trains. For a decade, you said that holding gun manufacturers legally responsible for mass shootings is a bad idea. Now, you say you’re reconsidering that. Which is it: shield the gun companies from lawsuits or not?

SANDERS: Let’s begin, Anderson, by understanding that Bernie Sanders has a D-minus voting rating (ph) from the NRA. Let’s also understand that back in 1988 when I first ran for the United States Congress, way back then, I told the gun owners of the state of Vermont and I told the people of the state of Vermont, a state which has virtually no gun control, that I supported a ban on assault weapons. And over the years, I have strongly avoided instant background checks, doing away with this terrible gun show loophole. And I think we’ve got to move aggressively at the federal level in dealing with the straw man purchasers. Also I believe, and I’ve fought for, to understand that there are thousands of people in this country today who are suicidal, who are homicidal, but can’t get the healthcare that they need, the mental healthcare, because they don’t have insurance or they’re too poor. I believe that everybody in this country who has a mental crisis has got to get mental health counseling immediately. COOPER: Do you want to shield gun companies from lawsuits?

SANDERS: Of course not. This was a large and complicated bill. There were provisions in it that I think made sense. For example, do I think that a gun shop in the state of Vermont that sells legally a gun to somebody, and that somebody goes out and does something crazy, that that gun shop owner should be held responsible? I don’t. On the other hand, where you have manufacturers and where you have gun shops knowingly giving guns to criminals or aiding and abetting that, of course we should take action. You may like guns and shooting, if so I recommend to buy airsoft pistols.

COOPER: Secretary Clinton, is Bernie Sanders tough enough on guns?

CLINTON: No, not at all. I think that we have to look at the fact that we lose 90 people a day from gun violence. This has gone on too long and it’s time the entire country stood up against the NRA. The majority of our country…

(APPLAUSE) … supports background checks, and even the majority of gun owners do. Senator Sanders did vote five times against the Brady bill. Since it was passed, more than 2 million prohibited purchases have been prevented. He also did vote, as he said, for this immunity provision. I voted against it. I was in the Senate at the same time. It wasn’t that complicated to me. It was pretty straightforward to me that he was going to give immunity to the only industry in America. Everybody else has to be accountable, but not the gun manufacturers. And we need to stand up and say: Enough of that. We’re not going to let it continue.


Full transcript here >>>>

Relevant to this today >>>>





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This was priceless.

COOPER: And welcome back. We are live in Nevada, in Las Vegas, at the Wynn Resort for the first Democratic presidential debate. The questions continue. We begin with Secretary Clinton. Secretary Clinton, you are going to be testifying before Congress next week about your e-mails. For the last eight months, you haven’t been able to put this issue behind you. You dismissed it; you joked about it; you called it a mistake. What does that say about your ability to handle far more challenging crises as president?

CLINTON: Well, I’ve taken responsibility for it. I did say it was a mistake. What I did was allowed by the State Department, but it wasn’t the best choice. And I have been as transparent as I know to be, turning over 55,000 pages of my e-mails, asking that they be made public. And you’re right. I am going to be testifying. I’ve been asking to testify for some time and to do it in public, which was not originally agreed to. But let’s just take a minute here and point out that this committee is basically an arm of the Republican National Committee. (APPLAUSE) It is a partisan vehicle, as admitted by the House Republican majority leader, Mr. McCarthy, to drive down my poll numbers. Big surprise. And that’s what they have attempted to do. I am still standing. I am happy to be part of this debate. (APPLAUSE) And I intend to keep talking about the issues that matter to the American people. You know, I believe strongly that we need to be talking about what people talk to me about, like how are we going to make college affordable? How are we going to pay down student debt?

COOPER: Secretary…

CLINTON: How are we going to get health care for everybody…


COOPER: Secretary Clinton, Secretary Clinton, with all due respect, it’s a little hard — I mean, isn’t it a little bit hard to call this just a partisan issue? There’s an FBI investigation, and President Obama himself just two days ago said this is a legitimate issue.

CLINTON: Well, I never said it wasn’t legitimate. I said that I have answered all the questions and I will certainly be doing so again before this committee. But I think it would be really unfair not to look at the entire picture. This committee has spent $4.5 million of taxpayer money, and they said that they were trying to figure out what we could do better to protect our diplomats so that something like Benghazi wouldn’t happen again. There were already seven committee reports about what to do. So I think it’s pretty clear what their obvious goal is.

COOPER: Thank you.

CLINTON: But I’ll be there. I’ll answer their questions. But tonight, I want to talk not about my e-mails, but about what the American people want from the next president of the United States.


COOPER: Senator Sanders?

SANDERS: Let me say this. (APPLAUSE)

Let me say — let me say something that may not be great politics. But I think the secretary is right, and that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails

(APPLAUSE) CLINTON: Thank you. Me, too. Me, too.

SANDERS: You know? The middle class — Anderson, and let me say something about the media, as well. I go around the country, talk to a whole lot of people. Middle class in this country is collapsing. We have 27 million people living in poverty. We have massive wealth and income inequality. Our trade policies have cost us millions of decent jobs. The American people want to know whether we’re going to have a democracy or an oligarchy as a result of Citizens Union. Enough of the e-mails. Let’s talk about the real issues facing America.


CLINTON: Thank you, Bernie. Thank you.


COOPER: It’s obviously very popular in this crowd, and it’s — hold on.


I know that plays well in this room. But I got to be honest, Governor Chafee, for the record, on the campaign trail, you’ve said a different thing. You said this is a huge issue. Standing here in front of Secretary Clinton, are you willing to say that to her face?

CHAFEE: Absolutely. We have to repair American credibility after we told the world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, which he didn’t. So there’s an issue of American credibility out there. So any time someone is running to be our leader, and a world leader, which the American president is, credibility is an issue out there with the world. And we have repair work to be done. I think we need someone that has the best in ethical standards as our next president. That’s how I feel.

COOPER: Secretary Clinton, do you want to respond?








Full transcript >>>>



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